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David Mungenast enlisted in the U.S. Army Special Forces, as a Green Beret, shortly after graduating from Roosevelt. Leaving the Army he attended St. Louis University and received his B.S. degree in 1961.
David was a motorcycle enthusiast, racer and stunt man. He built a business with a network of auto, motorcycle and pleasure boat franchises. He was a motorcycle stunt man appearing in many movies, including Cannonball Run, staring Burt Reynolds and Farrah Fawcett. David received countless awards for his many achieivements in the auto dealers’ associations.
He served on the President’s Council of St. Louis University, was an Honorary Dean of the Dubourg Society and a guest lecturer at the School of Entrepreneurial Studies. He served on Congressman Richard Gephardt’s Economic Development Committee and was Chairman of the Friends Drive for the Boys’ Club of St. Louis. He was on the board of St. Anthony’s Hospital for fifteen years. David was inducted in the Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2000.
David was married to Barbara (McAboy) in June of 1956. They had three sons.
DOB: Oct 01, 1934 St. Louis, MO DOD: Sep 20, 2006 St. Louis, MO Age 71