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Fern graduated at the age of sixteen in 1925, the first graduating class of Roosevelt High School. Fern loved school and was an “ALL-E” student. She was a member of the College Club and inducted into the Torch National Honor Society.
Her husband, Rus, was drafted into the army and was based at Fort Warren near Cheyenne. Fern joined him and became the first personnel counselor of the one-thousand base civilians.
Fern and her husband were members of the St. Louis Horse and Carriage Club and traveled as far as London to participate in competitions.
They were the lead contributors for the deGreeff Hospice House, the only free-standing Hospice House in Missouri. After Rus died, Fern donated funds to double the size of the hospice.
Fern’s contribution to the RHS scholarship fund was the largest received and, because of that, the Fern deGreeff Scholarship was established and is awarded annually to the highest ranking student selected by the scholarship committee.
Several years ago, Fern made a substantial donation to a research center being built in conjunction with the St. Louis University Hospital. A large park next to the center is named in honor of Fern and Rus. After her death, her will stated that all remaining funds be donated to St. Louis University.
Fern was involved in many charitable organizations and received numerous honors for giving her time and treasure.
DOB: Jun 22, 1909 St. Louis, MO DOD: Jan 10, 2010 St. Louis, MO Age 100